What's This Social Media?

Many restaurant establishments are asking how do you use social media? But the question is "what are you trying to convey to the customer?" Using social media is like using any tool that you have at your marketing disposal.

You have to actually have to

* create a plan
* have knowledge of the tools
* create something of value (restaurant operations, making money, business plan)
* Build something meaningful

Otherwise, you have not created anything of any significance.

You’re making noise if no one is listening.

With social media, your tool is information and communication. You are working to get people to hear you. Your goal is to become meaningful within the media.

Your’e looking to communicate with people who are interested in the information that you are promoting.

Does your communication make people:

* think
* laugh
* reflect
* take action
* share it
* comment on it
* engage in conversation?

If you are just:

* building followers on Twitter
* picking up friends on Facebook
* posting to bookmarking sites
* commenting on blogs

and so on without a clear goal toward building a relationship, you are just wasting time and effort. Basically this type of non-productive communication makes a mess and is not an effective way of using social media.

Just call it advertising, not social media marketing.

Social media is a tool like a home remodeler. You can build a castle, or you can build a dog house.

What are you building with your efforts within the social media space? A mess, or a masterpiece?

Or, in social media terms, are you creating relationships that can last a lifetime and credibility in the marketplace? When you’re helping restaurant establishment make money, you’re building that key relationship.

You are known by your content and context. It is up to you to create, communicate and converse. Special thanks to David Bullock on this subject!

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